Once Upon a Real Time! Easter with Bara
Let's cut the fairy tale talk - the resurrection of Jesus is real, with real power to change lives! You're invited to encounter the timeless truth in real time at one of our Easter Sunday gatherings where you can expect genuine worship, impactful teaching, and a whimsy-filled bKids celebration for the little ones! No experience necessary, just come as you are and explore the real story of Easter.
Wondering What a Bara Easter Experience Looks Like?
Easter Details
When: Sunday, March 31st, 9:30 and 11am
In-Person Gathering: 301 Trophy Lake Drive,
Suite #136, Trophy Club, TX 76262
Online Gathering: On Facebook, YouTube or Church Online
What to Expect
An impactful, hour long experience
Engaging music that will stir your heart
Impactful Teaching from Pastor Joel Quilé
Multiple ways to gather: in person & online
Friendly people and helpful hosts
A special photo booth for you to take an awesome Easter family picture
What to Expect in bKids
Age-appropriate venues available for Three Months - Fifth Grade
A safe, fun experience for your kids
Games, worship and a message of God's love
A gift for every child
Live bunny and baby chicks
Questions? Email us at hello@barachurch.com.
Don’t experience Easter alone!
Invite your friends and family to experience Easter at Bara with you!