You're Invited

We’d be honored for you and your family to experience and celebrate Easter with Bara Church on Sunday, April 4th, at 10am online and in person. This way we can all RISEMBER!

What does “risember” mean? That’s a great question and we’re glad you asked. In the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 24, the women who are headed to the tomb of Jesus encounter an angel and he says, “He is not here; he has RISEN! REMEMBER…” God knows that we have the propensity to live life as if Jesus is still in the tomb but he has RISEN. He also knows we are a forgetful people and must REMEMBER Jesus is alive! We must RISEMBER!


Easter Details

When: Sunday, April 4th, 10am

In-Person Gathering:

301 Trophy Lake Drive,

Suite #136, Trophy Club, TX 76262

Online Gathering: On Facebook, YouTube or Church Online

Join us at 7pm on Friday, April 2nd, and Saturday, April 3rd, online only for a special time leading up to Easter.


What to Expect

  • Biblical, relevant teaching

  • Great music

  • Multiple ways to gather: in-person & online

  • Friendly people and helpful hosts

  • Opportunities for kids (1 Year - 5th Grade) to learn and engage on their level



We have age-appropriate venues available for 1 Year - 5th Grade during our gathering designed with fun, games, and a message of God's love. Our bKids team also has online content for your kids to be engaged and hear the greatest story ever told.

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