Bridge Story #2: The Stoltenberg Family
What was your initial connection with Bara?
We were originally part of Redeemer Church that merged with Bara Church a year after Bara's founding. We felt really at home here and knew that God was leading us here.
How did you decide to get connected here?
We figured out where we could serve, in the nursery or on the stewardship team, and what bGroups we could join, like Bible studies and/or community groups. We've done all these and try and mix service and more participation-oriented groups.
Why should someone else get connected with Bara?
Scripture instructs us to corporate worship and fellowship in Hebrews 10:24-25 "....not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching. In Bara we have found encouragement through prayer and fellowship in our small group, sound teaching from Pastor Joel and Pastor Ryan, and the opportunity to impact others through service.
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